Rhythmic neuronal activity reflects the coordination and interactions of networks of neurons during complex cognitive processes and behaviour. Accordingly, many psychiatric disorders are associated with impaired neural synchrony.
We use specialized electrode arrays to record simultaneously from large groups of neurons, measuring synchrony of network activities in anatomically and functionally related circuits, both during normal behaviour and in models of diseases like schizophrenia, Down syndrome and Alzheimer´s Disease.
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2013Member of the Wellcome Trust Expert Review Group for Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
2012Member of MRC Industrial Collaborative Training and Careers (ICTC) Assessment Panel
2011MRC Senior Non-clinical Fellowship (till '16)
2006RCUK Academic Fellowship (till '11)
2006Integrative Pharmacology Fund Fellowship (till '11)
2000Wellcome Trust International Prize Travelling Fellowship (till '02)
1993Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge (for 1st Class B.A. in Natural Sciences)